Brokers often feel hamstrung when leads aren’t forthcoming. Talking to brokers, they feel like they have the expertise, but a lack of leads concerns them. So, how do they connect with more opportunities or take advantage of what’s in front of them?

The answer lies in paying attention to, and being willing to invest in, strategies that boost lead flow. This is the key to leveraging growth and future performance.

Lead flow is the lifeblood of your business. It directly fuels your success. A consistent lead generation strategy starts with a commitment to invest resources – time, money, and effort – and to patiently nurture those investments. Remember, sometimes you have to invest to create.

Let’s explore the two main avenues to powerful lead flow:

  • Give to receive: Offer valuable insights or free consultations to potential clients and referral partners.
  • Tap your network: Family, friends, existing clients – these are often untapped goldmines for referrals and introductions.
  • Go local: Build your presence through seminars, networking events, and collaborations with related businesses and industries in your community.
  • Go digital: Cultivate a strong online presence with positive reviews (Google My Business is your best friend!), engaging social media (it’s more about meeting people than throwing money, so let’s call it the social experience), and informative and searchable website content (SEO isn’t just a buzzword!).
  • Be front of mind: Curating leads is just as important as generating leads. Quality over quantity is key. Make sure you have a solid email marketing strategy in place to regularly keep your leads engaged and informed in their journey towards becoming a home owner or investing in a property. Be front of mind and by the time your leads enter the buying phase, they’ll remember you first.

To pay or not to pay?

  • Strategic partnerships: Forge relationships with accountants, financial planners, and real estate agents. While you might not directly pay for referrals, building strong partnerships often leads to a natural flow of leads.
  • Consider buying leads: Existing client lists or curated lead services may be a worthwhile investment.
  • Target your marketing: SEO, PPC (pay-per-click), and social media ads put you directly in front of potential clients. Don’t forget about traditional marketing though – a banner on a footy field at your local sports club might work wonders!

Balance is key

The perfect lead flow strategy is as unique as each broker. Consider your time, budget, and ideal client.

Some brokers flourish with grassroots networking, while others thrive with targeted digital ads. There’s no single “right way”.

But where do you start and how can you adapt your lead flow journey? First, create two columns:

Spending time: List low-cost or no-cost strategies – who do you know who can support your growth and lead flow? Start sharing your vision and opportunities with them.

Spending money: List your potential paid strategies – who can you partner with, what’s the structure, and how will you evaluate and incentivise ongoing opportunities?

So, to wrap it up: Mastering lead flow is the difference between struggling and thriving as a broker. Embrace both organic and paid strategies to build a sustainable pipeline of potential clients.

Your investment in lead flow is an investment in the future of your business.

Remember, consistent lead generation is the foundation of lasting success!

Ruan Burger

Ruan Burger
