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May 2024

What do brokers do to unwind?

With the world of broking being busy as ever, it’s crucial that brokers ensure they can deal with the stress of a constant barrage of phone calls, emails, and meetings. As heard on the Elite Broker podcast, we find out what brokers do to de-stress and unwind.
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Joshua De Buelle
Joshua De Buelle

Going for a swim

Swimming is my outlet for a couple of reasons. One, for physical movement. Two, [it has] very low impact on the body, so as you get a bit older, you try to seek out those activities. Going for a run for me is not the best result the day after.

It feels good at the time, but the day after you’re kind of struggling to move around, whereas I’ll go for a swim anywhere from one to three hours sometimes, just depending on how much time I’ve got.

And when you finish you come out feeling elongated, you feel stretched, [and] you feel relaxed.

Joshua De Buelle
Joshua De Buelle

Jill Fleck
Jill Fleck
Nu-Age Vehicle & Asset Finance

Yoga, golf, and time for yourself

I do yoga, which I absolutely love. I’m trying golf, which is something in itself! I don’t know if that’s actually de-stressing or adding to the stress at the moment!

It doesn’t matter what it is as long as it’s something that you enjoy. Make sure you take time for yourself. Even if it’s just walking around the bridges around Perth, which is just such a pretty city and taking yourself out into the fresh air. It’s just about making sure that you unplug. Oh, and always have a holiday planned so you’ve always got something to look forward to!

Jill Fleck
Jill Fleck
Nu-Age Vehicle & Asset Finance

Nick Ash
Nick Ash
Entourage Finance

An hour at the gym

I go to the gym every lunch time for a class where we do weights and cardio. Basically, I can walk in there with no plan and they tell me what to do.

I leave my phone in my office and I don’t think about work for about an hour or so, I just talk to people in the gym. If you’ve had a bad morning, it can completely change your mood and it can also give you a bit of an energy kick in the afternoon, which can lift productivity and help with making a few extra calls. It’s really amazing what it does and absolutely helps with stress as well.

I’m quite disciplined with that, I book it out in my calendar every day, and I ensure that I don’t make any appointments during that time.

Nick Ash
Nick Ash
Entourage Finance

Tom Rockliff
Tom Rockliff
Commercial Point Finance

Many different outlets

I’m probably pretty lucky, I’ve still got a lot of outlets. I’m still involved with footy commentary and some radio shows down in Adelaide and that gives me the ability to sometimes get away from mortgage broking Monday to Friday.

I’ve got two young boys, a six-year-old and a two-year-old, which can make it easy to unwind from broking. But even then you can still be thinking about clients or different scenarios, so you’ve got to try and find different avenues.

I’d love to try and play a little bit more golf, if I can, just to be able to go out for a couple of hours and get away from it all and focus on something different.

Tom Rockliff
Tom Rockliff
Commercial Point Finance

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