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Sydney broker launches extensive business network to drive social change

by Francesca Krakue5 minute read
The Adviser

One successful mortgage professional has teamed up with other businesses in her community to support each other and make a difference.

Recognising the power of their shared expertise to assist and inspire each other and their wider community, Louisa Sanghera of Zippy Finance created ‘Connect For Success’, an initiative which connects a range of businesses across Sydney’s north shore.

The initiative has a significant online following with approximately 1,000 businesses engaged with each other across social media, and also offers local businesses regular training workshops which canvas a wide range of topics.

“We’re educating all the businesses, teaching them how to grow the business, how to improve their skills and get new skills,” Ms Sanghera explained to The Adviser.


“We encourage all the businesses to use each other’s services and to refer each other, so they refer as much as possible,” she elaborated.

The network is not only helping each other grow, Ms Sanghera explained that it is also reaching out to assist the rest of the community.

Most recently, the group has offered its combined expertise to Hornsby’s women’s shelter to assist women who are trying to get back into the workplace.

“Financial advisers and accountants within the group have offered their services to go and help the ladies with budgeting, another member of the group came forward to do professional headshots for their CVs and LinkedIn and a business coach said ‘I’ll come and talk to them about body language and interview skills’,” Ms Sanghera said.

“As a group we’re not only working together but we’re also trying to help other charities and organisations,” she commented.

In extending its community support, Zippy Finance has also recently sponsored a Crohns and Collitis awareness group, donating to its efforts to produce a 2017 diary.

“Rather than just giving money to one certain cause, we’re trying to donate time, money, effort and skills into different areas and just give back where we can,” Ms Sanghera said.

[Related: Broker highlights importance of giving back]
