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Brokerage lands $20bn in deals as Asian markets rebound

by Tas Bindi5 minute read

A NSW-based commercial broker has a $20 billion pipeline of transactions across Asia, and is partnering with international fund managers to finance the deals.

Acuity Funding, which is a Sydney-based commercial finance provider, has secured $18 billion in overseas commercial deals for the first half of 2019, and $2 billion in domestic deals.

These include hotel developments in Australia and Singapore, as well as residential property developments and other infrastructure projects in Cambodia, Nepal and Vietnam.

The firm’s ambitious plans will involve working with large hedge funds overseas, sovereign wealth funds and offshore pension funds.


“It is quite unprecedented for an Australian finance broker to be working on deals of this scale,” Acuity Funding’s managing director, Ranjit Thambyrajah, said.

“The funders we’re engaging are attracted to long-term debt in rapidly expanding economies through projects that will deliver a positive social impact for the local population.

“The projects we are securing finance for are new rail systems, large residential developments and power stations across the Asia-Pacific. These are assets that provide affordable housing and energy to largely impoverished nations."

Mr Thambyrajah added that most of the deals were referred to Acuity by Australian finance brokers who were unable to place multibillion-dollar transactions.

“Almost 100 per cent of the $20 billion was given to us by very successful brokers in Australia who recognise the need for our expertise,” he told The Adviser.

Further, Mr Thambyrajah is able to capitalise on these opportunities because he does not restrict his firm’s services by location.

“I am happy to work in any part of the world that wishes to use our skills,” he said.

“Acuity has acted in the past in countries including China, West Africa, New Zealand, Maldives, Sri Lanka, India and Fiji.

“Today we were approached for a resort in the Maldives that we know we can assist with and am expecting further projects from New Zealand.”

He added: “There are plenty of international opportunities for experienced Australian brokers who can structure complex transactions and source funding from global investors looking for attractive returns.

“Finance broking doesn’t need to be restricted to residential mortgages or commercial deals under $150 million.”

Note: This story has been added to since initial publication. 

[Related: How this leading commercial broker gets a 100% success rate]

asia pacific map ta

Tas Bindi


Tas Bindi is the features editor for The Adviser magazine. 

Prior to joining Momentum Media, Tas wrote for business and technology titles such as ZDNet, TechRepublic, Startup Daily, and Dynamic Business. 

You can email Tas on: [email protected]


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