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Finance industry members recognised in King’s Birthday Honours List

by Annie Kane6 minute read

Members of the finance industry have been called out for recognition in the King’s Birthday Honours List 2024.

The Governor-General David Hurley has announced honours and awards for 737 Australians, which include recognition in the Order of Australia (General and Military Divisions), meritorious awards, and awards for conspicuous service.

The Honours List features:

  • 493 awards in the General Division of the Order of Australia (6 AC, 15 AO, 131 AM, and 341 OAM).
  • 25 awards in the Military Division of the Order of Australia (3 AO, 7 AM, and 15 OAM).
  • 162 meritorious awards.
  • 57 conspicuous awards.

The youngest recipient is 29 years old, the eldest living recipient is 98 years old.


Several members of the finance industry have been recognised in the list, including:

  • Gregory Combet AM, a former politician and current chairman of Australia’s sovereign wealth fund, who was named an Officer of Order of Australia, for “distinguished service to the people and Parliament of Australia, and to the banking and superannuation industries”.
  • Nicolette Rubinsztein, an actuary and non-executive director in the finance sector, serving on the boards of UniSuper, Zurich, and CBHS Health Fund, who was awarded an AM for “significant service to business, particularly the finance and commerce sectors”.
  • Alison Kitchen, the former national chairman of KPMG Australia and a non-executive director, who received an AM for “significant service to business, to governance roles, and to the community”.
  • Lynn Kraus, the Australian Payments Plus CEO, who was awarded an AM for “significant service to business and commerce, to gender equality, and to the community”.

Other notable names include:

  • Former Victorian premier Daniel Andrews, who was named Companion of the Order of Australia, “for eminent service to the people and Parliament of Victoria, to public health, to policy and regulatory reform, and to infrastructure development”.
  • Former Western Australian premier Mark McGowan, who was named Companion of the Order of Australia, for “eminent service to the people and Parliament of Western Australia, to public health and education, and to international trade relations”.

Announcing the list, the Governor-General said: “I would like to congratulate all those recognised in today’s Honours List. Some names are well-known, but the vast majority are not – they are people who work tirelessly and selflessly to make a difference in our community.

“Through [this] recognition we shine a light on their efforts, the impact they have and the difference they make. On behalf of all Australians, I thank recipients for their service and congratulate them on their recognition.

“This is my last Honours list as Governor-General. Presiding over investiture ceremonies and having the opportunity to meet so many diverse recipients in our honours system has been a tremendous privilege. Learning their stories has been inspiring and makes me enormously optimistic for our future.

“The honours and awards system belongs to all Australians and, by nominating people for recognition in the Order of Australia, we all have a role to play.

“I have been steadfast that the Order must reflect the diversity of our community – I am pleased by the progress we have made over the last five years. For it to continue, and it must, we need people to take the time to nominate people that inspire them.”

Recipients will receive their insignia at investiture ceremonies held at Government House in their respective state or territory over the coming months.

[Related: Members of finance industry named in Australia Day Honours List]

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