Early Bird Tickets will end soon
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3 Sep
QT Hotel Gold Coast
5 Sep
Le Montage,
11 Sep
Grand Hyatt,
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About the summit

The SME Bootcamp, powered by The Adviser and Accountants Daily

Want to take your SME finance and advisory skills to the next level and open up new business opportunities?

Look no further than the SME Bootcamp, powered by The Adviser and Accountants Daily – the ultimate practical event crafted to revolutionise the way you support SME clients and scale your business to new heights!

This bootcamp offers four game-changing sessions that will transform the way you do business and facilitate seamless client experiences.

The bootcamp is designed to equip you with the skills and knowledge to become the go-to finance professional for all your clients’ needs and develop a fully diversified business.

You will learn how to:

  • Unlock the power of SME client relationships in our break-even workshop: Elevate your advisory role by mastering break-even analysis. Delve into the nuances of financial decision making, focusing on balancing price, volume, and costs in break-even analysis. Gain clarity on when to greenlight initiatives and when to advise caution.

  • Understand business value and how to improve their worth:
    Be an agent for positive change by taking a deep dive into business valuation. Learn the intricacies of valuing businesses, understanding financial performance and identifying key areas that impact business multipliers.

  • Gain insights into what credit risk looks for: Inside the black box
    Have value-based conversations and learn how to articulate the value proposition of your clients' businesses in a way that resonates with credit officers, improving approval outcomes.

  • Move beyond commission and compliance: How to charge mandate and advisory fees
    Stop working for free and sell on value. Shift your mindset from selling based on tasks to selling based on value by exploring the concept of mandate and advisory fees, ensuring the time you invest yields a tangible return.

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Transform your business at the SME Bootcamp to:

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Unlock revenue potential

Embrace value-based fee structures to unlock untapped revenue potential and maximise profitability for your business.
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Differentiate your offering

Position yourself as a value-driven adviser to attract high-calibre clients who recognise and appreciate the worth of your services.
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Streamline decision making

Equip yourself with the skills to assess opportunities and risks swiftly, providing real-time guidance to your SME clients.
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Enhance client trust

Become the go-to adviser by mastering tools that bolster client trust and solidify your position as an asset to their business.
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Maximise business potential

Unlock the full potential of your clients' businesses by identifying growth and optimisation opportunities.
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Boost approval success

Increase the likelihood of securing financing and driving business growth by mastering credit risk analysis and value-based conversations.


SME Bootcamp 2024

Don’t miss out on this incredible opportunity to hear from industry experts and service providers and gain the skills to transform your business into a fully diversified SME finance and advisory powerhouse.

Register today and become an industry leader!

Who should attend?

Brokers and accountants looking to break into the commercial and asset finance and advisory space to increase their revenue.

This event is tailored to current or prospective finance professionals who aim to enhance their ability to connect with SME clients and forge lasting relationships that drive value.


Mendy Ash
Mendy Ash
Senior Business Development Manager,
VIC/NSW, Bizcap
Pete Birrell
Pete Birrell
Business Development Manager VIC/TAS,
Trent Carter
Trent Carter
Accendo Financial
Anna Davis
Anna Davis
Business Development Manager QLD,
Stuart Donaldson
Stuart Donaldson
Accendo Financial
Nathan Evans
Nathan Evans
Senior Business Development Manager,
Isaac Garson
Isaac Garson
Senior Business Development Manager,
NSW/QLD, Bizcap
Jason Gatt
Jason Gatt
Business Development Manager,
Banjo Loans
Ben Howell
Ben Howell
Business Development Manager NSW/ACT,
Peter James
Peter James
Founder & CEO,
Mortgage EZY


Locations and schedule

QT Hotel Gold Coast
Tuesday, 3 September 2024
Le Montage
Thursday, 5 September 2024
Grand Hyatt, Melbourne
Wednesday, 11 September 2024


The Adviser SME Broker Bootcamp - VIC was very informative and enjoyable. The Bootcamp provided valuable information and contacts for any broker providing commercial finance services or who intend to do so. I have written a book on commercial finance and found the Bootcamp of benefit to me. Thank you to all the presenters and participants.
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Nigel Fitzpatrick, Director, Gain Finance
For a relative new person in the industry the entire day will prove beneficial to my learning process and diversification that is required to be a successful broker.
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Phil Waddington, Loan Hub
Valuable day for my future direction in the industry.
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The event never fails to provide some nuggets of gold and provide a fresh ideas to SME lending.
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Adrian Mula, Queensland Capital Solutions

Event organiser