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August 2024

What do brokers do to unwind?

With the world of broking being as busy as ever, it’s crucial that brokers ensure they can deal with the stress of a constant barrage of phone calls, emails, and meetings. As heard on The Adviser podcasts, we find out what brokers do to de-stress and unwind
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A hard workout
Dan Cooke
Mortgage Choice Newstead

A hard workout

FOR ME, it’s definitely getting into the gym and doing a hard workout. I think if you do something hard and you put your body under a bit of physical stress, it just does something to your system. It clears your head, gets the endorphins firing. I find I’ll go to the gym and do a one-hour class and walk out and it’s almost like everything’s just clear. You’ll think, ‘Why was I worried about that? Here’s the solution to that problem that I was dwelling on for so long’.

So, no matter how busy I am, I really prioritise making time for the gym because generally speaking it’ll make me do a better job.

A hard workout
Dan Cooke
Mortgage Choice Newstead

Long walks around the harbour
Oliver Imrie
Azura Financial

Long walks around the harbour

I GO for really, really long walks. I just go for a walk for two or three hours in the evenings sometimes and just get lost in the city or go for a walk around the harbour.

And also, two glasses of red wine!

Long walks around the harbour
Oliver Imrie
Azura Financial

Getting to the beach
Ella Hrstic
Elevated Lending

Getting to the beach

I RECENTLY moved to Sydney from Canberra and being in Sydney, I’ve loved having access to the beaches. So, that’s how I de-stress and unwind. Just getting out, getting to the beach, and going for walks – that’s worked for me.

Getting to the beach
Ella Hrstic
Elevated Lending

Eating healthy and cooking
Mitch Bath
The Lending Alliance

Eating healthy and cooking

STARTING THE day right is really important. So, I’m up early, go for a run. Eating healthy is really important and then, at the end of the day, winding down. I’m pretty good at switching off, I’ll go hard during the day from 7:30/8am until 6pm and then, when I get home, I love to cook dinner.

I really love being in the kitchen and cooking dinner for my wife and me. And then we will just have a bit of chill time and get to bed pretty early. I think if you get that dialled in Monday to Friday, your energy is pretty good.

Eating healthy and cooking
Mitch Bath
The Lending Alliance

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