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April 2024

What do brokers do to unwind?

With the world of broking being busy as ever, it’s crucial that brokers ensure they can deal with the stress of a constant barrage of phone calls, emails, and meetings. As heard on the Elite Broker podcast, we find out what brokers do to de-stress and unwind
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Sophie Redfern
Sophie Redfern
Finance It Group

Walking the dog I love walking my dog.

That’s a big unwind for me – just getting out with my puppy. Sometimes going to the gym also helps. Anything where you’re not in the mindset of work is fabulous. It’s hard sometimes, because it’s your business and it’s all you think about, but getting outside or getting some fresh air is always the best.

Jonathan Haines
Jonathan Haines
Verity Finance Group


My de-stressing is through swimming. I do a lot of pool swimming and ocean swimming. Fortunately, Western Australia has a lot of great beaches so swimming is definitely my de-stressing strategy. You can feel the stress from the day wash away. So that’s why I do it!

Lisa Bridgett
Lisa Bridgett
Stellar Finance

Early morning Peloton

Sport is definitely my go-to. About six months ago I bought a Peloton and I’ve got that at home and I do that in the mornings. It’s just such a beautiful start to my day. I get up at 5:30 and I’ll connect my Bluetooth and I’ll smash out a 45-minute class.

After that, I’ll go sit on my back deck with a coffee and enjoy the serenity and quiet. That just gets me level.

Lee Barron
Lee Barron
Fox Financial Services

Talking to those outside of industry

I actively schedule time with people outside of the industry because it’s so hard to get lost in what you do and let it consume you so all you do is talk about the negatives and what went wrong in a day. Making sure there is time to spend with people who draw you away from that conversation is a big thing. Sitting down with someone to just decompress and who is completely unrelated to you on a professional level can help you get a lot of clarity. It just helps you move through it. At least, I find that’s been a massive help for me.

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