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April 2024
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Viking Aggregation hosts launch party

Newly formed asset finance aggregation company, Viking Aggregation, hosted its official launch party in Sydney in March.

Held in Macquarie Park, the event welcomed asset and commercial finance brokers, lenders, and fintechs to officially launch the new business.

Led by asset finance veteran Simon Gwynne (general manager, Viking Aggregation), the aggregator already has hundreds of broker members and has more than 50 lenders on the panel, including commercial asset and equipment finance, consumer lending, and SME finance.

The asset finance group was founded earlier this year after Nationwise identified that asset finance aggregation was “ripe for disruption”.

At the event, delegates heard from the senior leadership team about their plans for disrupting and accelerating asset finance aggregation services.

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Loan Market hosts Leadership Academy

Brokerage brand Loan Market hosted its annual Leadership Academy on the Gold Coast in March, headlined by Harvard Business School’s Professor Boris Groysberg – one of the world’s leading authorities in talent management and leadership.

Groysberg launched the two-day event by sharing with Loan Market’s top business owners – Loan Market & Partner Chairman’s Club, as well as Platinum and Elite business owners – his globally recognised research and innovative insights into business leadership and practical tools to manage people and growth.

Attendees spent the second day applying Groysberg’s extensive research and teaching experience to their own businesses, refining their leadership skills after a masterclass on developing a structured, long-term, and sustainable business strategy to further fuel their growth.

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