We have super news!

RedZed has entered the SMSF loan market with two super-powered products: ‘Super Resi SMSF’ and ‘Super Commercial SMSF’.


What makes our SMSF loans different?

Innovation, simplicity, and flexibility.

Both Super Resi SMSF and Super Commercial SMSF have the following loan servicing options:

1. Fund only.

2. Fund + proposed additional member contributions (PAYG and self-employed full doc members).

3. Fund + proposed additional member contributions (self-employed alt doc members).

Our ‘fund only’ servicing option has straightforward and streamlined income verification requirements. We make it easy for self-employed members by assessing past contributions supported by confirmation they are still operating an active business. There is no need to provide business financials. But what makes our SMSF offering truly unique is that we accept alt doc income verification for proposed additional member contributions from self-employed members.

Who is eligible for our SMSF loans?

- PAYG members whose employers make compulsory superannuation guarantee contributions into their funds.

- Self-employed members who make regular super contributions to their SMSF or have the ability to make additional contributions verified on a full doc basis, if their contributions have been irregular.

- Self-employed members who make regular super contributions to their SMSF or have the ability to make additional contributions verified on an alt doc basis, if their contributions have been irregular.

Borrowers can use ‘Super Resi SMSF’ and ‘Super Commercial SMSF’ loans to refinance existing SMSF loans or purchase residential or commercial investment properties.

Why are our SMSF loans super handy for small-business owners?

‘Super Commercial SMSF’ is particularly handy for small-business owners because it gives them the ability to lease business premises owned by their own SMSF. So, instead of paying rent to someone else, they can operate out of a commercial property that is owned by their SMSF, resulting in portfolio diversification, asset protection, and potential future wealth generation.

Why are our SMSF loans super handy for brokers?

Our SMSF products give brokers an opportunity to re-engage with their self-employed clients and start a conversation. They can reach out to their existing alt doc home loan clients in particular, who may have previously been unable to borrow using their SMSF due to rigid lender requirements, and let them know there is a new player in the market, one that understands them and has created products tailored to their needs.

With both full doc and alt doc options available, a dedicated SMSF credit team and in-house settlements, RedZed is well-equipped to help small-business owners with their SMSF loan needs.