Mortgage brokers are more likely to choose an aggregator based on the technology they provide than the leads they generate, according to a poll.
The Adviser asked brokers to vote on the number one thing they look for in an aggregator. Leading the charge was technology platforms at 36.6 per cent, then customer service (22 per cent), followed by lead generation (19.5 per cent), business building (14.6 per cent) and marketing (7.3 per cent).
Proof that technology is a huge drawcard, South Australian mortgage group Bernie Lewis Home Loans joined Choice Aggregation Services in February after operating without an aggregator for 30 years.
At the time of the announcement, Bernie Lewis managing director Mark Lewis said Choice’s technology was a “key selling point” for the decision.
“Choice’s use of the world-class CRM system SalesForce within their Podium software platform, as well as the collaborative approach of their staff to work with and improve on our existing business, were key selling points for us in making this decision,” Mr Lewis said.
Choice Aggregation Services chief executive Stephen Moore said the support they provide through Podium 2.0 will allow Bernie Lewis to take their business to the next level in 2015 and beyond.
The Adviser is keen to hear from brokers about what makes them switch aggregation groups or stay with their existing one.
Click here to complete the survey and be in the running to win a case of Bollinger champagne.
[Related: Brokers get first dibs on AFG shares]