Choice Home Loans partnered with the Mamamia Women’s Network to host an event aimed to drive financial confidence among women.
The women and finance event was held in Melbourne on 1 September and covered a range of topics, including the valuable role brokers play in the home loan process.
Speaking at the event, social researcher Dr Rebecca Huntley explained that while women are increasingly building their financial confidence, they tend to shy away from dealing with the “bigger” transactions.
“Research confirms women are increasingly becoming more self-confident about money and typically they are terrific managers of a household’s day-to-day budget. But the bigger ticket items sometimes still pose a degree of confusion and anxiety for them,” she said.
Choice Home Loans CEO Stephen Moore noted the event enabled the female attendees to ask questions about housing finance and gain a better insight into how a broker can help them make more informed decisions.
“Buying a home can be one of the best ways to build wealth and work towards financial freedom. Its important women feel confident and equipped to make educated decisions around home loans every step of the way.
“Part of this engagement process is reinforcing the role a quality broker can play and the value they can bring when it comes to securing and managing a home loan. Brokers are in a unique position to take away any confusion and anxiety around the process,” he said.
The event was hosted by Mamamia TV presenter Shelly Horton, with media personality Andrew Daddo and award-winning Choice Home Loans broker Peita Davies making up the panel of speakers.