Jessica Darnbrough
Australian Capital Home Loans has broadened its bow of services to include aggregation.
Effective from today, the mortgage manager will also incorporate aggregation into its business model so that borrowers can have all of their financial needs met under the one roof.
Australian Capital managing director Barry Parker said the introduction of NCCP meant the company had to change the way it does business, as external credit representatives can only place business under their own licensee/aggregator.
In response, Australian Capital has now rebranded an aggregation panel under LoanKit, which is backed by a large public company.
“Most home loan customers already use other financial services (banking, life/income insurance, superannuation, general insurance, wealth creation, retirement planning etc) and why shouldn’t they be able to access all of these services from the same professional that organises their home loan,” Mr Parker asked.
According to Mr Parker, brokers who want to expand their current business and join his new aggregation model will be provided with full training and support.