Tablet users have higher savings balances and more products than non-tablet users, according to ING Direct.
Research by ING Direct found that customers who access the bank via a tablet are more engaged.
According to the findings, tablet users are 180 per cent more likely than non-tablet users to have multiple products.
Tablet users also make better customers than smartphone users: their savings balances are almost 80 per cent higher and their payment account balances are more than 90 per cent higher.
The research also found that tablet customers who use an ING Direct native app will log in four times more than customers who use their tablet’s browser.
ING Direct’s executive director of customer distribution, Lisa Claes, said customers now preferred to access the bank via an iPad or iPhone than with a computer.
“Forty per cent of all Australians now own a tablet and within four years 22 million units will have been sold,” Ms Claes said.
[Related: ING Direct voted Australia’s best non-major]