The Housing Industry Association has welcomed the federal government’s commitment to deliver a new national housing affordability strategy.
The Coalition announced last week it would develop the new strategy and re-establish the National Housing Supply Council in a bid to reduce pressures currently facing the Australian property market.
“Labor’s commitment to develop a National Affordable Housing Strategy and re-establish the National Housing Supply Council are key measures towards addressing the housing supply and housing affordability challenges confronting the nation,” HIA chief executive – industry policy and media, Graham Wolfe, said.
“The two measures underpin a comprehensive range of initiatives outlined in HIA’s Federal Election Policy Imperatives released on 19 May 2016.”
Mr Wolfe said the announcement that there will be a key appointment made to focus on housing affordability concerns is one significantly supported by the HIA.
“The appointment of a minister for housing and homelessness, and placing housing affordability as a standing item on the Council of Australian Governments [COAG] agenda will ensure that our housing supply and housing affordability challenges remain a national priority,” he said.
“It is important that the minister for housing and homelessness is represented in Labor’s cabinet to ensure that policy decisions take into account their impact on housing supply and housing affordability.
“Housing affordability and adequate housing supply are critical national challenges for all Australians, whether they own a house, are purchasing a house or renting a home, and HIA looks forward to the release of the Coalition’s housing supply and housing affordability commitments.”
[Related: Australia faces rental affordability crisis]