By: Belinda Luc
The Council of Australian Governments (COAG) is set to address the housing shortage crisis across Australia.
An announcement by COAG earlier this week said the industry body would launch an agenda that would reform the state of housing and supply as well as look at issues of affordability.
The agenda includes a review of issues such as land identification, release and zoning, infrastructure planning, subdivision approval, as well as building and construction.
Housing Industry Association managing director Shane Goodwin called the announcement a welcome, if not belated, acknowledgement of the impediments that continue to face the housing industry and consumers.
“The development of a more equitable infrastructure funding model is one of the major keys to unlocking land supply and improving housing affordability,” Mr Goodwin said.
“Importantly, governments will look at the issues that currently delay the delivery of housing to market.
“By examining options that more efficiently use existing housing stock, we could start unlocking land and addressing our dire housing shortage,” Mr Goodwin said.