A recent report has revealed South Australia is leading the charge in providing housing for low-income households.
The latest report on government services has shown that South Australia holds over 45,000 social housing properties managed by Housing SA or other community organisations, out of the 425,000 available across the country.
South Australia currently holds around 11 per cent of Australia’s social housing, however, with a lower population share, this equates to the state having 43 per cent more social housing than the national average, which provides crucial support and stability to tens of thousands of low-income households that are feeling the impacts from cost-of-living pressures.
The Malinauskas government intends on using this foundation to build out its Better Housing Future plan, which intends to boost residential land supply and support the property market.
This plan is underpinned by three major investment programs implemented by the government:
• Social Housing Accelerator – $135.8 million secured from the Commonwealth to deliver around 300 new social housing homes in South Australia.
• Public Housing Improvement Program – $232.7 million from the state government for 564 new homes, 350 major upgrades, and additional maintenance on 3,000 homes.
• Housing Australia Future Fund – $10 billion fund to support 30,000 social and affordable homes around Australia with an aim for around 2,000 in South Australia.
MP Nat Cook commented on this report: “I am so proud to be part of team including both state and federal Labor governments that know we have to invest in social and affordable housing for the good of the country.
“By stabilising our public housing system, hundreds more people have a safe and stable roof over their heads today compared to what would have happened under the Liberal Government’s policies.
“The public housing system has been in decline for 30 years but today we see that turning around – and the hundreds of millions of dollars in new investment that we have secured will see more people with safe, stable and secure housing.”
The federal government recently announced that applications are now being accepted from eligible parties looking for investment to bring online social and affordable housing through the Housing Australia Future Fund (HAFF) and the National Housing Accord.
The initiatives are part of the federal government’s move to improve housing outcomes for Australians. They aim to collectively support the delivery of 20,000 new social and 20,000 new affordable homes across Australia over five years.
[RELATED: Applications open for Housing Australia Future Fund finance]