Aussie Home Loans could be on track for another stellar year after posting record settlement and application figures in October.
Australia's largest brokerage reported $1.4 billion of settlements and $2 billion of applications for last month.
Aussie enjoyed a record settlement result of $17 billion during 2013/2014, which was up 18 per cent on the previous financial year.
Executive chairman John Symond said at the time that the group had set itself "even more ambitious targets" for the years ahead.
Mr Symond said yesterday that Aussie is meeting its growth targets for 2014/2015, with retail and mobile broker channels both recording "substantial lifts" in volumes.
Some of that growth has been driven by market conditions, but some has been driven by brand recognition and productivity improvements, according to Mr Symond.
"Our franchisees and mobile brokers attract more customers and write more business because of the Aussie brand, which is an incredible competitive advantage," he said.
"We're also working smarter and investing in things that will deliver results, like technology and support in other areas of business."
Mr Symond said Aussie's experienced brokers were also benefiting from business support in areas such as marketing, social media, local engagement and people management.
Mortgage Choice could also be on track for another record year, after recently posting a 12.5 per cent increase in first-quarter approvals.
[Related: The Aussie story]