Australian Property Finance (APF) has launched a free iPhone and iPad app for anyone with a keen interest in the nation’s property market.
The app has the same name as its launcher – Australian Property Finance – and is for those looking to buy a home, invest, refinance or who want to keep up with the latest market news.
“The app already has many useful calculators, such as for stamp duty, borrowing capacity and loan repayments, plus real estate information, documents and a referral tool,” APF chief executive Nathan Swain said.
“It can make life easier whether you are an industry professional or a member of the public,” he said. “Being able to do so much on the iPhone or iPad is a valuable time saver and agents especially see this at open homes and inspections.”
Since its release at the 12 February RE/MAX Rally, the new app is gaining more popularity, according to Mr Swain.
“We’ve had terrific feedback too on the fact it is postcode driven and that it drives communication, with a return call within two hours promised.”
The APF app is based off the popular My Mortgage Kit – an app developed by mortgage aggregator Vow in 2011.
Looking ahead, APF aims to introduce an Android version soon.
[Related: APF appoints Cairns broker]