An award-winning real estate agent says brokers can boost their business by working closely with agents, so long as they take the right approach.
Stephen Bunday of LJ Hooker Dickson took out the Top Referrer – Home Loans title at LJ Hooker New South Wales and ACT awards night held in Sydney earlier this month.
Mr Bunday told The Adviser that brokers looking to build a strong referral relationship with agents need to take a “systemised approach”.
“The main thing is that they’re aiding and assisting our business. Communication and trust is key,” he said.
Mr Bundy said the biggest mistake a broker can make when working with real estate agents is poor communication.
“It’s just like with anything: not doing what they said they were going to do – wasting the lead, not using the lead, not coming back and informing the agent as to where things went,” he said.
Brokers looking to form that initial relationship should contact the agent by phone, according to Mr Bunday.
“Most agents who are successful and busy don’t appreciate people just dropping into the office. A phone call saying ‘how are you? I’ve just started up with so and so and wanted to catch up for a coffee when you’re free’ is probably best,” he said.
Mr Bunday added that brokers should check in with the agent once a week in order to consistently develop the relationship over time.
“Just be friendly, be happy, enjoy what you do and it’ll come back to you,” he said.