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Associations confirm membership fee freezes for 2021

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membership fee freezes

Both the Finance Brokers Association of Australia (FBAA) and the Mortgage & Finance Association of Australia (MFAA) have confirmed that membership fees will not increase this year.

Following on from the FBAA’s announcement earlier this year that it would freeze annual membership fee reviews this year, given the economic environment, the MFAA has now also confirmed that it would not be changing its fees this year.

MFAA CEO Mike Felton said: “[F]ollowing completion of the MFAA budgeting process for FY21, we have finalised membership fees for the coming year and are pleased to advise that we have been able to keep fees in all categories of membership unchanged for the full duration of FY21.”

He added that the MFAA National Conference will also be available to MFAA members free of charge.

“We recognise that this COVID-19 period has been an exceptionally challenging time for you, your family and customers, and hope that this assists in some small way.

“As always, we thank you for your support and look forward to continuing to support you as we enter a new era for our industry.”

[Related: FBAA releases broker support package]

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