The measures include continued assistance for small businesses and hospitality venues, alongside the announcement of further aid for live music venues.
Small businesses, alongside hospitality and live music venues impacted by COVID-19 restrictions, are being provided a further lifeline of financial assistance, with the ACT government confirming that it is extending its current business support measures.
Included in this continuation is the ACT government’s Small Business Hardship Scheme, with the closing date for applications being extended from today (31 January) to 28 February.
The scheme is designed to provide up to $10,000 (per ABN) in financial reimbursement for eligible businesses over costs incurred and paid.
These costs include selected utilities – such as gas, water and electricity – commercial rates as well as commercial vehicle registrations.
As per a statement supplied by the ACT government, businesses can now claim for expenses during January and February 2022, and businesses that have already received a payment under the scheme can reapply.
Also included in this increased level of support are the food business registration waiver and the outdoor dining permit fee waiver, which have now both been extended until 30 June 2022.
Further, the annual licence fee waiver for eligible liquor licensees, said by the ACT government to be “effectively a 50 per cent fee reduction”, has also been extended to 30 June 2022.
All three of these waivers are expected to be applied automatically as part of the normal annual fee licensing process.
In addition to the announcement of these extensions, the ACT government has also stated that it will be introducing a second round of “Amp It Up!” – a scheme introduced in 2021 that provided small to medium live music venues suffering under COVID-19 assistance between $5,000 and $60,000.
This second round is said to be introduced later in 2022 and will be allocated $500,000 by the territory government.
Speaking of the second round of Amp It Up!, member of the ACT Legislative Assembly and Minister for Business and Better Regulation, Tara Cheyne, said both local businesses and artists benefited from its first round.
“The first round of Amp It Up! contributed almost $800,000 to local live music businesses by offsetting costs for live performances and gigs at their venues,” Ms Cheyne said.
“Twenty-three venues were funded, and many local artists benefited from the program. We look forward to working with venues to deliver this successful program again later this year.”
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