As part of a drive to improve its servicing levels RAMS will cease to deal with low volume brokerages.
Around 16-18 brokerages were this week told by the lender that they would no longer be able to write RAMS loans however RAMS said that all deals in the pipeline would be honoured.
Speaking with Mortgage Business Lynne Wyatt, head of brand and marketing for RAMS said the focus was on improving its servicing times with the groups that placed regular business with the lender.
“We have had to cope with significant volumes in recent months. Our focus is on delivering the best possible service to the brokerages that provide us with regular business,” she said.
Ms Wyatt said that RAMS had recently taken on 30 additional staff to try and keep up with the influx of volumes but further action was necessary.
“We had to rationalise our distribution in order to ensure we meet out service level agreements. It made sense to make cutbacks with the groups that only occasionally wrote RAMS loans.”