A Perth real estate agent’s appeal to have his life-long ban from the real estate industry lifted has failed.
Michael Mavadaat, the principal of Aplecross-based Key Realty, was last year disqualified from practicing for lying, creating false documents and earning an ‘unjust’ commission.
According to a report on WAToday.com.au, Mr Mavadaat was found by the State Administrative Tribunal to have acted without valid authority, demanded and received an unjust $133,000 commission for a Subiaco property sale, created various fake documents, lied in an affadavit in a civil proceeding, made unauthorised use of funds in the firm's trust account and falsely claimed to hold a Bachelor of Science degree from the US.
Mr Mavadaat’s attempt to appeal the decision was thrown out of court this week after the court said it found it “difficult to see” how the tribunal could come to any other decision.