One new broker has hit the ground running by securing a $4.2m commercial lend as her first approved loan.
Louisa Sanghera is still very new to the industry and credits a supportive environment at Pink Finance for her early success.
“It’s good to know that there are other people there and you’re not on your own,” Ms Sanghera said.
“A tip for a new starter would be that they should try and get a good mentor, someone who they can communicate well with and trust and rely on.”
New brokers should be prepared to do a lot of hard work and must organise and prepare themselves completely before even speaking to potential clients, she added.
After spending the past 10 years raising her two children, Ms Sanghera said she was looking for a job with flexible hours but hadn’t considered broking until she engaged Pink Finance’s Nicole Cannon to help her find a loan of her own.
“I think from memory it was at our second meeting that we actually talked about me becoming a broker. I was talking about wanting to work from home, work a job around the kids and Nicole said that broking would be perfect for me,” she said.
Ms Sanghera has extensive experience in banking after spending 20 years at NAB Europe in various banking and head office roles.
“She was so confident in my abilities and was convinced I would do well at it, I just believed her and thought, OK, I’ll give it a go,” she said.
“I had no hesitations in joining Pink Finance as the company has an awesome reputation in the industry. I also loved the fact that Pink Finance donates an ongoing income to the McGrath Foundation,” Ms Sanghera added.
In addition to doing commercial lending, Ms Sanghera also works in the residential broking and vehicle and asset finance sectors.