Four out of five brokers plan on working over the Christmas break, according to a recent survey.
The latest straw poll from The Adviser asked brokers if they planned to take a break over the Christmas period.
While 17.4 per cent of brokers said they would be unreachable by clients, 37.2 per cent said it was ‘business as usual’.
More than one third – 35.5 per cent – agreed that they would be working, but only via phone and email, and a further 9.9 per cent claimed they wouldn’t be picking up the phone, except to check emails.
Speaking with The Adviser, finance and property adviser at Affiliate Finance & Property Mary Sartinas said her company would be keeping doors open – but she would be taking time off.
“I’ve got a couple of young kids and school holidays is an important time for me to spend time with my children,” she said.
Ms Sartinas said the results of the straw poll were unsurprising in the current climate.
“I think when we look at where the market’s come from over the past six months, there’s certainly been a surge in interest… Volumes have increased and a lot of businesses want to take advantage of the opportunities that are around.
“I must admit I will be taking a holiday for a few weeks, but we have two staff that will continue to operate in the office… our clients have needs that need to be met over the Christmas period and the holiday season.”
But for the 80 per cent of brokers who can’t resist picking up the phone over the next week or two, Ms Sartinas said it was a perfectly healthy option – provided they take time off at other times during the year.
“If people feel that they have to power through and they don’t take a balanced approach to their job, then that’s unhealthy. But working over Christmas is fine so long as you take a holiday or two over the rest of the year,” she said.