Loan Market’s executive chairman will join politicians and business leaders in selling The Big Issue today.
Sam White will be stationed in central Sydney, on the corner of King and Pitt Streets.
The Big Issue is traditionally sold by homeless people, who make money by purchasing copies at wholesale prices and selling them at retail prices.
Federal politicians Bill Shorten, Tanya Plibersek, Anthony Albanese and Andrew Robb will also take part in this week's awareness event, as will executives from BHP Billiton, Telstra, People’s Choice Credit Union and Macquarie Group.
This will be the second time Mr White has sold The Big Issue. He said his previous effort had made him realise how difficult a job it is.
“I have a huge amount of respect for people who do it day in and day out,” he told The Adviser.
Mr White said he had also taken part in the CEO Sleepout to help fight homelessness and would take part in another charity event, the CEO CookOff, on February 17.
Loan Market staff raised $75,000 at a conference last year, he added, and the money will be used to build a new orphanage in Fiji.