Picture a coastal lifestyle, a strong market and qualified leads – who wouldn’t want to work there?
Brokers, it appears. Perth firm Let’s Finance has yet to receive a response to a Seek ad it placed last month for a new broking position in Bunbury, according to general manager Scott McCartney.
Let’s Finance, which writes about $360 million of loans per year, is the broking arm of residential builder Scott Park Group, which also includes a home building company called Redink Homes.
Let’s Finance is trying to find an experienced broker to work out of Redink’s office in Bunbury, which also services the nearby 'seachange communities' of Margaret River and Busselton.
“The market is buoyant. We’re getting a lot of leads, but we can’t service them properly from [Perth] because it’s four hours away,” Mr McCartney told The Adviser.
The region was booming, he said, because consumers can buy a block of land near the sea for $140,000 and also secure a $10,000 first home buyer grant from the state government.
“If there’s anyone from the east who is interested to move across and jump into the industry here, I would encourage them,” he said.