NAB Broker has reconfirmed its commitment to brokers by signing on as the principal partner of the MFAA for the next two years.
General manager Steve Kane said NAB was proud to support the fast-growing channel.
“The broker channel and NAB Broker business remain vital to the future growth of NAB, and our partnership with MFAA reinforces this importance,” he said.
“We are excited to partner with the MFAA for the next two years to help support our brokers grow their business and realise their potential.
“We will continue to innovate and work with our broker partners to deliver industry-leading service and we are proud to take up this opportunity.”
MFAA chief executive Phil Naylor said: “This is a significant show of support for the mortgage broking industry and we are delighted that NAB and its division NAB Broker are supporting us to further help build the important role credit advisers play in the lending sector.”