Promoted by CIMET.
Despite the slump in the housing market at the moment, one man is on a mission to help brokers and lenders unlock a new revenue stream without any of the leg work. Ankit Jain of CIMET, a small but growing technology startup in Sydney, understands that revenue is the lifeblood of any business. If the wider world is slowing down, CIMET can help things return to a normal pace. CIMET is a novel yet revolutionary way of providing additional revenue to brokers and lenders – by offering your captive customer base more value with energy and telco comparisons. Better yet, it’s all white-labelled, so it appears as if you’re offering the service – not a third party.
The Brokers’ Benefit
Mortgage brokers and lenders have relationships with many clients, managing their mortgage. However, the value proposition for the broker almost ends once the mortgage is approved. By using your own databases and mailing lists, you can bring your customers back to offer them more value in energy and telco comparisons – even removalists, if they are refinancing and moving to another home. CIMET is an all-automatic energy comparison platform, and is designed to pay you commissions for successful sign-ups. Mortgages are a once in a lifetime for some people – but finding better deals on energy and telco is an ongoing process. Especially as energy prices are set to rise, not fall.
How CIMET works
CIMET is easy to get up and running.We can supply a link to our partner EConnex, which is set up within 24 hours. Or, we can design a plugin for your site.
Either way, there’s no code or design to set up; the team at CIMET does it all for you. It’s all white-labelled, meaning your customers will see your branding and your URL in the address bar. Essentially, your business is providing the value to them, not CIMET.
Your customers enter a few details, are given a detailed list of telco or energy plans in their area – represented in real dollars, not confusing discounts – and they’re given the option to sign up on the spot. No annoying phone calls interrupting their day, and pushing them on plans that might not be the best deal. Once they’re done, you get a commission. CIMET pays out commissions at a higher rate and increased frequency than most other platforms. Better yet, you can track how you’re going using the simple to use CIMET dashboard.
CIMET isn’t a passive system. It will do everything in its power – using targeted emails or SMS – to convert a lead. It does so without being intrusive, and there’s no fear of alienating your customers with excessive messages. Your customers gain a better deal, and you get a commission.
If your business wants to unlock a new revenue stream by monetising its customer base, contact CIMET here.