In case you missed it this week, AFG to withdraw Sparc loan following Volt closure, brokers feel the pinch amid construction folds, the mortgage broking industry prepare borrowers for rate rises, New Broker Academy launches… and more.
See the full stories below:
AFG to withdraw Sparc loan following Volt closure
Following the “disappointing” news that Volt Bank is to close, Australian Finance Group has confirmed that it will be withdrawing its Volt-funded white label product, Sparc.
Brokers feel the pinch amid construction folds
As construction industry collapses have left thousands of Australians with half-finished homes, brokers are left tending to impacted borrowers.
Brokers prepare clients for rate rises
Brokers are recommending some borrowers make larger repayments to lessen the blow of rising interest rates.
Brokers now recognised on REIWA Offer and Acceptance form
Following engagement with the MFAA, the Real Estate Institute of Western Australia has amended its Offer and Acceptance form to include brokers, in a move welcomed by the industry.
New Broker Academy 2022 to help ‘ignite’ brokerages
Registrations have opened for The Adviser’s New Broker Academy, a free event set to help new and prospective brokers build strong and successful broking businesses.