In case you missed it, MFAA report found broker settlements soared to new peak, Loan settlements strongest among mutuals, Calls to streamline DDO rules, New non-bank lender launches, and more.
Broker settlements soar to new peak: MFAA
Broker-originated settlements have broken records once again, new MFAA research data has shown.
Loan settlements strongest among mutuals
Australian lenders settled almost 90 per cent of property sales on the first scheduled date, a new report has revealed.
Broking industry backs streamlining of DDO rules
Proposed changes to the regulatory framework around advice have been released, with broker associations welcoming changes that could streamline DDO obligations.
A new fintech lender, Clinch, has launched into market, offering brokers a digital bridging finance product for their clients.
Shift launches Equipment Line revolving credit facility
Shift, a provider of credit and payment platforms to Australia brokers and businesses, has launched a revolving credit facility for business-use asset purchases.