In case you missed it... lender pass on 25-bp rate hikes, report finds rising rate sting split couples, finalists revealed for Women in Finance Awards 2022... and submissions open for Better Business Awards 2023.
Lenders announce rate hikes following RBA move
First movers have already announced rate changes following the central bank’s October rate hike.
Rising rates hitting split couples hard
Borrowers experiencing marriage or relationship breakdown cite a lack of lender compassion amid interest rate rises.
Finalists revealed for Women in Finance Awards 2022
The Adviser is pleased to reveal that almost 250 women from across the financial services industry are set to battle it out at the Women in Finance Awards this year.
Submissions for 10th Better Business Awards 2023 open
Nominations and submissions have officially opened for The Adviser’s Better Business Awards 2023, now in its 10th year.