Staff Reporter
The MFAA has today appointed an “independent director” to the board after members called for such a decision at the last general meeting.
Corinna Dieters, who will officially join the board on 1 November 2011, is expected to bring a fresh approach to the broking channel.
MFAA President Joe Sirianni said that as the industry and association developed strong professionalism as its basic tenet, it was crucial for the MFAA Board to comprise a director external to the broking channel, to bring a diverse and broader commercial perspective to the Board’s deliberations.
“We are excited about Corinna’s appointment. She will bring a whole new dimension of thought and contribution to the board, which can only be good for the Association and its members,” he said.
Ms Dieters is a graduate member of the Australian Institute of Company Directors and holds a Bachelor of Education and a post graduate qualification in business management.
In addition, Ms Dieters is a director of Seaview Consulting, providing strategic consulting services to the financial services sector and is chair of the Financial Planning Standards Board, a global body involved in managing, developing and operating certification, education and related programs for financial planning organisations.
Speaking about her appointment, Ms Dieters said she was pleased to come on board at a time when the MFAA is truly concentrating on building professionalism.
“I am looking forward to working with the MFAA during this time when there is significant change occurring within financial services as well as a growing awareness by consumers of the benefits of working with professional advisers.”