Staff Reporter
PLAN Australia has recognised its top performing brokers at its annual conference in Darwin.
Allen Lam from The Wealthsource Group in Victoria took out the coveted top award at the Gala Dinner.
“I was very excited about the win. We work hard so it’s good to be recognised for that,” Mr Lam said.
The top businesses in each state were also acknowledged. Winners included Lake Macquarie Home Loan Centre (NSW/ACT), Expert Lending (QLD), Mortgage Solutions Australia (WA), Easy Loans (SA/NT) and The Wealthsource Group (VIC).
Boutique Finance’s Shane Will was also recognised at the awards, with the broker being inducted into the PLAN Australia Hall of Fame.
While the last 12 months have inevitably been tough for the third party distribution channel, Mr Will said there was a renewed sense of optimism in the air.
“I’m really positive about the outlook for the industry; I think we’ve been through the tough stuff,” he said. “The industry standard is really being raised,” he said.
Mr Will said his business had managed to double volumes over the past six months.
“We used to average about $2 to $2.5 million a month but over the past six months we’ve been averaging about $4.5 million,” he said.
Mr Will puts his success down to good, professional service and solid referrals.
Given the increasingly professional standard of the third party industry, the PLAN Australia network is a perfect fit for him, Mr Will said.
“I’ve just reached the 10 year mark with PLAN Australia. I’ve had a look at a lot of aggregators – and I started out with a different aggregator – but what I like about PLAN Australia is their professionalism. They’re constantly looking to raise the bar – and they do.”