Jessica Darnbrough
One mortgage broker will be enjoying a white Christmas after winning Intellitrain’s Vegas promotion.
Andrew Campbell of Bay Finance Solutions won the $5,000 trip to Las Vegas, including flights, accommodation and spending money, after he successfully completed his Diploma with Intellitrain.
“I choose to complete my Diploma with Intellitrain because I knew I would be challenged,” Mr Campbell told The Adviser.
“I could have gone with a fast track option, but I don’t think there is anything to be gained from those courses. I don’t think they are viewed highly by those inside or outside of the industry.
“If I was going to complete my Diploma, I didn’t just want to do it for the sake of doing it. I wanted to take some business strategies away from it and truly improve my industry knowledge.
“The Intellitrain course was very thorough and there is a great sense of accomplishment when you finish it.”
Mr Campbell said he and his wife would take the Las Vegas trip at the end of the year and tie it in with some skiing.
“We have gone skiing in the United States four times in the last three years, it is something we love to do. We had been thinking about going again this year and this win just solidifies our decision.”