Jessica Darnbrough
Liberty Financial’s new broker software platform, that aims to provide brokers with the first mobile end-to-end broking solution, will be taken to the broker market as of next month.
Speaking to The Adviser, Liberty Network Services' Brendan O’Donnell said the company would road show the iPad application, commonly referred to as Spark, to all interested brokers.
“The road shows will be intimate, with no more than 12 people in each,” Mr O’Donnell said.
“This allows us to have a very intensive workshop with the brokers and effectively show how revolutionary this iPad app is.”
According to Mr O’Donnell, Spark is not only NCCP compliant, but allows brokers to engage with customers anywhere, anytime.
In addition, the iPad app includes lead management, product searches and recommendation, loan application and submission, and document and customer relationship management.
“While other financial institutions have introduced various mobile devices, we believe this is the first end-to-end software platform,” Mr O’Donnell said.
“We are running the road shows around the country during the last two weeks of August. We are inviting all brokers to come along and hear what we have to say.
“This is a fantastic opportunity for brokers who are looking to improve their productivity, improve their efficiency and improve their processes.”