Jessica Darnbrough
Brokers who are keen to engage with new technologies can now build their own mobile apps for a reasonable price.
Last year, broker Adam King wanted to develop his own personal mobile app in a bid to establish and maintain a high profile, both with existing and with potential new clients.
“I looked into the process and I couldn’t find a way to build my own app without spending upwards of $7,000,” he told The Adviser.
“While I couldn’t justify spending more than $7,000 on a business tool, having a personalised business app seemed like the logical thing to do given that so many people have smartphones and use apps on a daily basis.”
So Mr King quit his day job as a broker and went into the business of phone apps.
“I found a company in the US that I could partner with to make the apps for a reasonable price.”
Today, Mr King develops personalised apps for brokers that include their logo, a “constantly updated” mortgage calculator and other “real estate and finance features”.
“For $300 my company, Mibizapps, will build a personalised app for a broker,” he says.
According to Mr King, the benefits of having a mobile app are many and varied since an app can not only help a broker stay in touch with clients on a regular basis, but also help them connect with new clients.