With tough market conditions likely to prevail for some time and industry regulation just months away, there’s never been a greater need for broker education.
According to the MFAA, strong broker interest in the industry’s annual convention – to be held from June 3-5 on the Gold Coast – suggests plenty are hungry for knowledge and strategies that will help them adapt their businesses to the changing market.
Phil Naylor, MFAA CEO, said this year’s conference would focus on viewing the future with new perspectives.
“The world has changed so rapidly over the past year or so, it’s important for us to consider and develop new perspectives with which to approach the future of the industry,” he said.
Justin Delanty, the director of Home Loan Hunters in Tasmania, said he would continue his ten-year track record of attending the convention. As well as keeping him up-to-date on industry issues, Mr Delanty said the convention offered unrivalled networking opportunities.
Kurt Armbruster, national sales manager at Vision Property Finance, said the convention remained an important event on the industry’s calendar.
“Some industry members may be concerned about costs but I think it would be a shame for people to forgo valuable industry insight this year,” he said.
For brokers yet to register, details can be found on the official convention website: http://mfaaconvention.com.au .