The federal government has announced Gina Cass-Gottlieb as the new chair to head the ACCC for the next five years.
Ms Cass-Gottlieb will become the first female chairperson to head the Australian Competition and Consumer Commission (ACCC), commencing 21 March 2022.
In a statement, Treasurer Josh Frydenberg said Ms Cass-Gottlieb is one of Australia’s pre-eminent competition lawyers, having been a senior partner in competition and regulation at Gilbert + Tobin for over 25 years.
“She has advised on some of the largest and most complex competition matters in Australia and New Zealand,” Mr Frydenberg said.
Ms Cass‑Gottlieb has also held roles with the Reserve Bank of Australia Payment Systems Board and the Financial Regulator Assessment Authority (FRAA), the body that regulates ASIC and APRA, in September.
Outgoing Rod Sims has served as chairperson of the competition watchdog for more than 10 years and has been commended for his dedication and leadership.
Productivity Commissioner reappointed
Meanwhile, Professor Stephen King has been reappointed as a part-time commissioner for the Productivity Commission (PC) for a further five-year period, commencing 1 January 2022.
Professor King was first appointed by the federal government to the Commission in 2016.
The government said the reappointment will ensure Professor King can continue to support the PC in providing advice on economic, social and environmental matters affecting the welfare of all Australians.
He was recently a Professor of Economics at Monash University in Melbourne where he also held the position of dean of the Faculty of Business and Economics from 2009‑2011.
Prior to joining Monash University, he was a member of the Australian Competition and Consumer Commission, where he chaired the Mergers Review Committee.
His areas of expertise are in microeconomic theory, competition economics, regulation and industrial organisation.
He is a member of the Academy of Social Sciences in Australia and a Lay Member of the High Court of New Zealand. He is also a member of the review panel considering pharmacy remuneration and regulation.
[Related: Financial regulator authority member to chair ACCC]