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August 07: The cost of confusion

by Staff Reporter • 20 Aug 2007
Adding fuel to the fire was the announcement that Bluestone would increase its rates by between 17 and 55 basis over... READ MORE

Diversification - Necessity ? the mother of invention

by Staff Reporter • 6 Aug 2007
Competitive pressure among lenders, a high rate of consolidation and the diminishing residential loan market have... READ MORE

July 07: CPI index ? harbinger of rising rates?

by Staff Reporter • 27 Jul 2007
As the official measure of Australian inflation – and a key indicator for dictating the Reserve Bank of... READ MORE

July 07: Census reveals more Australians paying off mortgages

by Staff Reporter • 2 Jul 2007
Some of the results were revelatory while others were unsurprising. Arguably falling into the latter category is the... READ MORE

May 07: Together we stand

by Staff Reporter • 1 May 2007
If these conditions aren’t enough to keep most non-bank lenders on their toes, the timing of HLP’s collapse could... READ MORE
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The Adviser is the number one magazine for Australia's finance and mortgage brokers. The publications delivers news, analysis, business intelligence, sales and marketing strategies, research and key target reports to an audience of professional mortgage and finance brokers
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