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Fifo Capital gives you another great reason to talk to your existing clients and offer them something new thanks to our Supply Chain Finance facility - now all business have the ability to pay their suppliers early without using their own funds whilst improving their own bottom line in the process.
Powered by Fifo Capital’s secure online platform, STREAM, it won’t impact your client’s other finance arrangements you may already have put in place – it’s the innovative finance solution your business clients have been looking for.
What’s the current challenge for your business clients?
Achieving and maintaining steady and reliable cash flow is one of the most challenging aspects of running a business, positioning it for growth, and realising that growth potential. In particularly harsh cases, cash flow disruptions can result in missed growth opportunities, lost customers, product quality issues, and even the failure of a business. Worse, these disruptions don’t necessarily have to strike at a business directly to cause real damage.
Cash flow interruptions that affect any business in a supply chain can have serious adverse effects on your clients. While many tools exist to address cash flow issues within a business, few business owners take serious steps to stabilise their supply chains. Research indicates a massive proportion of businesses even increase the risk of dangerous disruptions by paying supplier invoices late. Fifo Capital’s Supply Chain Finance aims to change that by giving your clients the power to protect not only their own cash flow, but also that of their suppliers.
Register here for a Fifo Capital Supply Chain Finance information webinar
Empowering suppliers to stabilise their business
Fifo Capital Supply Chain Finance’s online platform, STREAM, allows your clients, no matter how big or small, to work with their suppliers and help stabilise their cash flow. Specifically, it allows suppliers to get early payments for specific invoices on-demand in exchange for a small early settlement discount. Those early payments are financed through a Fifo Capital ‘credit fund’, and paid off by your client on, or, after the invoice due date depending on their need.
This allows suppliers to get access to the funds they need when they need them, without placing any additional financial strain on their business. Suppliers who are sometimes forced to wait weeks or months for desperately needed payments can use this to easily address cash flow shortages for what would otherwise be a serious cash flow challenge for their business. As a result, they’ll be able to provide more consistent and higher quality service to all of their customers.
After experiencing the benefits for themselves, those suppliers may then well choose to use the service with their own suppliers as well, quickly spreading the practice along all the vulnerable links in their supply chain – and, as an ‘Approved Partner’, you will have the ability to be remunerated as these suppliers later join as ‘customers’. The end result is a robust foundation that your client can rely on as support as they grow and expand.
Improving customer cash flow while supporting suppliers
What makes this such an attractive option for your business clients isn’t just the end-result of a more stable supply chain, it’s also in how the process works. Early payments are financed by Fifo Capital, but funding those payments doesn’t require any actual borrowing or security from the customer. Instead, Fifo Capital sets up an off-balance sheet ‘credit fund’ for the customer thus not impacting other finance facilities they may already have in place.
Flexible Investor funding with no recourse
The capital for that fund is supplied by Fifo Capital, and is insured instead of secured the way a loan would be. When a supplier needs a payment, they can nominate the invoices, the date, and the discount size which invoices they’d like to have paid, and receive the funds when they need them.
Your business clients can receive a shared ROI on funds they never invested
One of the Fifo Capital points of difference is your client can share in the returns generated from the facility – which no doubt is something new for them. Functionally, that makes Fifo Capital Supply Chain Finance one of the few funding solutions that allows your client to generate returns on funds they didn’t invest.
What’s in it for your business clients?
- Increase gross margin
- Extended credit terms
- Improve financial health of their supply chain
- Easy supplier adoption process
- No borrowing and no security required
What’s in it for their suppliers?
- Improve cash flow
- Access to early payment on-demand
- Eliminates paperwork
- Non-recourse, non-debt cash payments
Innovative, online, fintech solution
Another added advantage of Fifo Capital’s Supply Chain Finance facility is that it’s powered by a highly secure online platform, called ‘STREAM’. Your clients and their suppliers can now interact via a simple to use online platform in real time, ensuring supplier early payment requests and customer approvals can happen seamlessly.
Improved financial flexibility for customers as well as suppliers
Since payments are made from a dedicated credit fund, your clients also gain significantly more control over how and when they’ll make their own payments to settle the balance. That means more flexibility and more predictability in managing their own cash flow, even as they ease the cash flow issues of their suppliers.
Unrivalled transparency for all parties
The entire process is specifically designed to be clear-cut and transparent for all parties. Since the discount is determined by the supplier, and the process involves no borrowing, no interest, and no hidden fees, your client and their suppliers are protected from any surprises. There are no complicated contracts or other paperwork, and all costs are clearly accounted for up front.
Fifo Capital Supply Chain Finance is a valuable fintech based tool that’s designed to provide your client with the power to better control their own cash flow, even as they empower and stabilise their suppliers. As a result, all types of businesses will be better able to weather cash flow interruptions and less likely to suffer supply issues, so they they can focus on what really matters: innovation and growth.
Register for our Approved Partner program
Fifo Capital has an Approved Partner program for introducers. Here’s what you’ll get;
- One-on-one training in your office or via webinar
- Co-branded customer brochures
- Customer presentations
- A designated Fifo Capital support manager in your state
- STREAM platform co-branding
- An attractive, ‘viral growth’ remuneration model
Our aim is to make things easy for you. Register here to become an Approved Partner now, contact your local Fifo Capital office or call 1300 852 556 now.
Fifo Capital Supply Chain Finance is the new and innovative finance solution your business clients have been looking for.