Australian First Mortgage (AFM) will appeal to the mortgage broking and lending industry to dig deep to help victims of the Victorian bush fires.
With the support of the Rotary Club of Mornington in Victoria, AFM will canvass its broking, funding and finance partners to raise vital capital for the fire-ravished state.
Just a day after approaching the Rotary Club, AFM's sales and marketing director Iain Forbes received written confirmation that the charity would back his initiative.
"Australian First Mortgage will have the full support of the Rotary Club of Mornington and you have our guarantee that every dollar raised will be applied to this cause."
AFM will launch an e-based marketing drive to its 5,000 plus accredited brokers and will also approach all its funding partners, mortgage insurers and other business partners.
"Australians are all in shock; we all feel the same" Mr Forbes told Mortgage Business. "I called the Rotary Club yesterday to see what AFM could do to help support those who are in need and within 24 hours we have formulated a strategy. We will act immediately.”
AFM has previously taken action to help raise funds for the victims of major disasters. In 2005 AFM raised $80,000 in response to the Tsunami, which cost the lives of around 300,000 people across South East Asia.
To support the AFM/Rotary Club appeal contact Iain Forbes on 0417 413 875 or email