The revelation that up to 16,000 dead people have received the federal government’s stimulus payments has added weight to concerns that the payments were an ineffective measure.
A total of $40 million worth of government stimulus payments has been paid to as many 16,000 dead people and 27,000 expatriates, the ATO has revealed.
According to the ATO, 15,934 payments have so far been made to deceased estates and it anticipates that figure could rise as a result of 47,111 deceased estates lodging a tax return for the eligible period, ABC reports.
Just where the payments would ultimately end up, the ATO said it did not know.
"The fact that 16,000 dead people and 27,000 people living overseas are receiving $900 cheques from the Rudd government to stimulate the Australian economy says everything about their financial incompetence and their disregard for taxpayers' money," opposition treasury spokesperson Joe Hockey said.