Vow Financial has given an upbeat assessment of the economy at the aggregator’s mini-conference.
Chief executive Tim Brown told an audience of 200 brokers, lenders and sponsors that the Australian property market is expected to keep growing throughout the year.
He also said the official cash rate is likely to remain at a record-low 2.5 per cent until at least the last quarter of 2014.
Europe is emerging from recession, the US and UK economies are rebounding and Chinese growth is forecast to reach about 7 per cent, he added.
Mr Brown also revealed that an internal survey had found improvements in all Vow services compared with six months earlier.
The services covered included commission payments, compliance, marketing and the Vow platform.
The event, held in Sydney last week, was hosted by ex-NRL player and former St George bank employee Joel Caine.
There were also presentations from Commonwealth Bank, Veda, QED Risk Services, Brokerpedia, buyer’s agent Prosper Group, charity Hannah’s Chance Foundation and foreign exchange firm OzForex.