Housing finance has recorded big jumps over the past year – but commercial finance has done even better.
Owner-occupiers took out $16.9 billion worth of finance in April, according to the Australian Bureau of Statistics.
That represented a 15.8 per cent increase on the previous year and a 1.4 per cent gain on the previous month.
Commercial finance reached $43.8 billion – up 42.7 per cent annually and 5.8 per cent monthly.
However, there were declines in the levels of personal finance and lease finance.
Personal finance decreased to $8 billion, which represented a 4.9 per cent annual decline and 2.2 per cent monthly decline.
Lease finance fell 28.9 per cent over the year and 1.5 per cent over the month to $361 million.
[Related: Big fall in first home buyers]