Club Financial Services is gearing up to launch a new online television program that will offer information on the financial climate.
The program, Your Net Prophet, will be officially launched on Wednesday 10 February and run for one hour each week.
Club's director of operations David Garner told Mortgage Business the program would give the company a portal to effectively communicate with a wide audience.
"Because we control the program we can get our message across smoothly, without it being lost in translation. Moreover, it is also a lot cheaper than advertising on free-to-air television," he said.
According to Mr Garner the program, which will be hosted by the company's director sales and marketing Simon Norris, will consume a lot of man hours, but he hopes the end result will justify the time.
Mr Norris said he hoped the program would affirm the business’ position as a “transparent and accessible lender.”
“As a national group, we’re always looking for new ways to connect with our audience and think this is an opportune way for not only Club’s clients, but the wider Australian community to tap into our expertise and knowledge,” Mr Norris said.
“Our commitment to transparency and compliance will resonate throughout Your Net Prophet, providing viewers with ethical, relevant and meaningful information.”
“The fantastic thing about using this medium is that people can tune in and watch the program live, or tap in at a time that suits them.”