In a bid to ramp up the number of listed properties on the market, LJ Hooker has launched a new campaign ‘Home Sweet Home’ that encourages property owners to sell.
The new campaign will give home owners niche market information on local property prices.
“We are highlighting the importance and breadth of local market knowledge and service the LJ Hooker teams offer their local communities in a way that invites any home owner to find out where their property sits in the market, regardless of whether they have intentions of selling or not,” national operations manager Colin Judd said.
According to Mr Judd, home owners will have access to an obligation free market appraisal; a detailed written report on price movements, sales prices and days on the market in their local area; and ongoing reports on market changes and predictions as well as property value updates.
“An ongoing current assessment of the market and a familiar face to call with any questions will be comforting and invaluable,” Mr Judd said.