Enhancing prime products and catering for diverse applicants is vital to Homeloans
Non-bank mortgage provider Homeloans Ltd has a clear focus: to provide solutions, both for brokers and customers.
“An integral part of this is providing an expansive range of products to suit all types of borrower,” explains Greg Mitchell, Homeloans’ general manager, sales.
“We have created a number of niche products over the past two years designed to complement our existing prime products.”
“These include a specialist SMSF loan (Homeloans ProSmart SMSF); the Accelerate, which offers credit features not available from most lenders; and the new FlexiChoice NonGen 95, for borrowers without genuine savings as a deposit.
“The diversity of home loan applicants, particularly with respect to their life stage and credit history, has increased significantly, and we need to be nimble,” Greg Mitchell says.
“I advise brokers wanting further information on Homeloans products to contact their BDM.”