Renowned stylist and keynote speaker Joshua Heath explains how you can boost your business by simply being conscious of the clothes you wear.
What you choose to wear has a powerful effect on how people view you.
We all have our personal style. However, we need to remember that our personal style is likely not the style of our business or the company we represent.
People judge in the first three seconds of meeting someone new. We judge based on what we see first, not on the knowledge they might have.
It all comes down to the details and effort you put into your overall appearance.
It is the small details like dirty shoes, cracked nail polish, bad breath and the pen you hold that lets most people down.
Joshua’s top style tips for men:
• Shine those shoes. It takes little effort but adds so much to achieving a polished look.
• Keep it neat. Appearance can be a bit more relaxed, but make sure your hair is trimmed and tidied every four to six weeks. Ensure you’ve got a style of haircut that you can maintain yourself. You want to have something that’s clean and sleek with a nice style.
• Say no to the five o’clock shadow. Either you’re clean shaven or you’ve got a beard. It does come down to the company you work for. A lot of them will just say no facial hair at all, which I lean more towards. If you’ve got a beard, keep it trimmed and clean. Also, book into a men’s salon and have those unsightly ear and nose hairs removed.
• Remember your hands. Keep your nails short and clean. Ninety-nine per cent of people look at a person’s hands during a conversation.
• Buy clothes that fit you. It sounds like a no-brainer, but I see so many guys with suits that are too big or shirts that are too small. When it comes to suits, look at made-to-measure – it’s more cost-effective than you think.
Joshua’s top style tips for women:
• Be conscious of the hair. I always say to ladies, “You’ve got hair, so brush it”. A lot of women have long hair, but if you’re going to have long hair then you’ve got to maintain it. Wake up that little bit earlier to do it. Don’t have wet hair and don’t throw your hair in a messy ponytail. Choose a hairstyle you can maintain easily while still looking well-groomed.
• Take note of the nails. The same rules apply for ladies’ nails. If you’ve got nail polish on and it’s chipped, take it off or reapply it.
• Wear clothes that flatter you but scream professionalism. Avoid revealing clothing – low-cut tops and short skirts are not appropriate. Wear tailored or structured clothing that flatters your shape rather than flaunts it.
• Keep make-up to a minimum. Make-up is a huge thing. Keep it simple and keep it time appropriate, so think about what time of day it is. Most of the time, you’re going to be working during daylight hours, so keep the make-up to a minimum.